Gabriela Baiges

Designing UX / UI States in Heepsy


Heepsy is an Influencer Marketing platform based on artificial intelligence that allows to search and analyze influencers from Instagram, Youtube, Tik tok and Twitch. It allows to narrow the search by different criteria depending on the needs of the user and analyze the profile of each influencer providing an advanced report that allows to assess whether the influencer is suitable or not.


We have different reactions to situations we are being faced with at any particular time so does a digital product and this reaction to user interactions is called U.I states.

There are several types of U.I states: Empty states, Partial states, Load states, Error/failure states and Success states.

Depending on the context, these states are revealed to the user.

In Heepsy search engine experience, the user can use many filters and create their own influencer lists, analyze profiles… but what happens on that rare occasion when there is nothing around the user or an error happens? For this design iteration in Heepsy I focused and determined the following states.

👉 Empty states are integral parts of UX writing and overall design as a whole. You can use them to convince customers to take an action or even take a chance to make that experience fun for the user which in turn will convince a user to take an action.

An empty state copy is the prompt a user needs to carry out a task or action and also helps them achieve their goals. In trying to rewrite an empty state, I needed to know what entails a good empty state.

They include:

  • ▪ guide the user experience- relay information to the users
  • choose your words carefully- help users understand what to do next
  • use visual content
  • include a button

 👉 Error/Failure States

When users interact with the product there is always a possibility of errors occurring. Error state are shown when things don’t go as expected, this could be due to system failure, bad internet or the user trying to carry out actions not they do not yet have access to.

Is better to design the product in a way that reduces the chances of error by taking into consideration edge use cases.

offer suggestions

utilize constraints

be flexible.

👉 Success States

This state should describe what the screen looks like when the user has successfully completed a certain task. The user shouldn’t be left wondering if they’ve completed a task.

show a proper feedback 

give users a sense of achievement and productivity.


At the starting point I found, the application had been developed without much consideration of the diverse states, so they had no cohesion between them, they were not friendly messages, nor did they invite the user to continue browsing.


This task went into the application design refactor. So I had the opportunity to design based on illustrations and propose a more empathetic copy for the different states in the app.

I used the same dynamic oval background shapes decorated with small graphic elements that remind us of social networks such as like heart , favorite stars​, arrows, and basic shapes such as circles and triangles. The human figures have the same style.

I categorized the states as empty, neutral / positive or failure, and assigned a color for each one.

⚪​ Gray and light green for empty states

🟢​ corporate greens for neutral / positive states

🔴 orange-red for failure states.

Empty state: No list

Empty state: Blank canvas

Empty state: No data

No results for this search

Free trial ended – Upgrade plan

Limit reached

Success Message

Error: your transaction could not be completed

Unusual usage of resources.

We have blocked your account for suspicious activity

Error: something went wrong.

ERROR 500: unexpected error! Usually a KO, Internet has exploded,

connection error…

ERROR 404: page not found (usually a broken link)


June, 2022


  • UX /UI
  • Heepsy


  • Figma


Product Designer


